Opportunity Passport™ Financial Literacy Services
As a part of their Coaching Model, Central Plains Center for Services provides the Opportunity Passport™ Financial Literacy Program to eligible youth in all areas of Nebraska. Opportunity Passport™ is a matched savings, asset-building program that includes financial literacy education, asset-specific training and support through a dedicated Coach. Central Plains Coaches facilitate the Keys to Your Financial Future and Your Money Your Goals trainings, while working one-on-one with each youth as they learn financial capabilities. The supportive services of coaching along with the financial literacy and asset specific training allows for young adults to achieve economic stability and self-sufficiency by focusing efforts on increasing earning potential, budgeting, reducing debt, opening personal banking accounts, understanding and appropriately utilizing credit, saving, and investing.
Are You Eligible?
Eligibility includes young people who are currently participating in Central Plains Coaching (PALS), or young people referred to Central Plains Coaching (PALS) and meet one of the following criteria:
- Young people who were a state ward at the age of 14 or older and are between the ages of 14-22. Central Plains will verify eligibility.
- Pregnant or parenting young people ages 14-25.
- Young people, ages 14-25, who are victims of human trafficking.
- Young people currently participating in Central Plains’ Education and Training Voucher Program
Asset Match Opportunities:
The Opportunity Passport Program™ is a savings and asset building program. The goal is for young people to learn how to manage money wisely through budgeting and savings and have the opportunity to utilize program match funds toward an asset purchase. Asset categories and match rates are as follows:
- 4:1 for Vehicle Purchase (this means if you save $1 the program will match $4 up to the lifetime maximum of $8,000).
- 2:1 for Housing, Education, Credit Building, Debt Reduction, Investments, Health, or Business Start Up.
- The 1:1 category for a participant specific match is discretionary.
For more information on Opportunity Passport™, please contact:
Jeff Smith, Opportunity Passport Lead-Omaha, 402-714-5089, jsmith@central-plains.org